led light therapy

What is LED Light Therapy?

Light Emitting Diode (LED) phototherapy applies blue, red and near-infrared light energy to tissue for therapeutic benefits. The light energy is used to improve cellular performance by its healing and anti-inflammatory properties. It can increase circulation, accelerate tissue repair, decrease wrinkles, decrease inflammation, improve skin tone and wrinkles, texture and clarity, ease muscle and joint pain, stiffness and arthritis and kill acne bacteria.

Who is a candidate?

Any skin type, skin condition and skin tone

What are the contraindications?

  • Pregnancy

  • On Accutane within the last 12 months of treatment

  • Experiencing skin rashes

What should I expect during treatment? 

During a LED Light Therapy, you will have a light panel placed over your skin for 15-30 minutes that cycles through the light energies. It can be added on to any treatment to provide a deeper cellular treatment with deep tissue repair. It is noninvasive, so no recovery time is required.