Secret™ PRO RF Microneedling

What is Secret™ PRO RF Microneedling?

A treatment with RF (radio frequency) microneedles that smoothly penetrate the skin, delivering energy at various depths in the epidermis and dermis to induce collagen regeneration while sparing the skin’s surface. Secret PRO RF Microneedling can be used to improve skin quality by reducing signs of photoaging and photodamage, fine lines and wrinkles, stretchmarks and scars/acne scars.

Who is a candidate?

Patients with all skin tones

What are the contraindications?

  • Pregnancy

  • Cardiac pacemakers or implantable medical devices

  • Metal allergies

  • Allergies to lidocaine and lidocaine products

  • Undergoing treatments for skin cancer or having a history of cancer

How should I prepare for treatment?

  • Do not wear makeup on the day of treatment 

  • Excess hair may need to be shaved. Men should shave within 24-48 hrs of treatment

  • Avoid direct, prolonged (more than 20 min) sun exposure, including tanning beds, sprays and lotions, etc; using SPF 30 or higher daily, for 4 weeks prior to treatment 

  • Discontinue use of exfoliants and topicals with active ingredients such as: anti-aging and anti-acne products including Retin A, Tretinoin, acids and hydroquinone 3 days prior to treatment

  • If you have a history of cold sores, consider beginning prophylactic treatment with Valtrex or similar antiviral no later than the day before treatment.

What are the aftercare instructions?

  • Do not wash your face or apply any topicals or make up on the day of treatment. Wiping with a warm washcloth is OK. 

  • The day after treatment you can start using gentle cleanser, moisturizer, SPF 30 or higher (multiple times/day) and make up. 

  • For 24-48 hrs avoid excessive sweating and heat exposure such as hot tubs or saunas

  • You can resume your regular skin care regimen 2 days after treatment and reintroduce actives such as retinoids, acids and hydroquinone.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure throughout the duration of the treatment regimen and beyond to avoid further damage

  • Avoid sun exposure and use a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen  to prevent further sun damage

What should I expect during and after treatment? 

  • Numbing cream will be provided to ensure patient comfort 

  • During the treatment, you may feel pressure, pinching and tingling while the micro-sized needles penetrate the skin and deliver heat to stimulate collagen production. 

  • There will be multiple passes to complete the treatment which takes about 30-40 minutes.

  • There is no lingering discomfort. Your provider will work with you to maintain your comfort level throughout the entire treatment. 

  • Typically, there is no downtime after the treatment. Your skin will have moderate redness which will subside within a few hours and your skin may feel warm, like being in the sun, for a few hours. You can expect to return to your normal activities immediately following your treatment. 

  • You may have some slight flushing and swelling the next day, which can be covered with make-up.

When will I see results?

Best results are seen 3 months after the last treatment. To maintain your results, maintenance treatments can be done every 12-18 months after the initial series.